Be Love

MLKFS Brings Be Love Movement to the 4-1-3 – WWLP Coverage

What is Be Love?

BE LOVE is a growing movement of courageous acts to achieve justice, which we define based on these words from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.”

BE LOVE seeks to strategically define and unleash the true power of love to unite humanity, cultivate true peace, and create the Beloved Community. The movement has a three-pronged call to action:

  1. Be educated on what it means to Be Love
  2. Build inward character and outward community and
  3. Be a part of creating a more just, humane, equitable and peaceful world, using the principles and steps of Kingian Nonviolence (Nonviolence365).

Here’s how our local Be Love Project works

With arts and culture, we will demonstrate the power of community to develop our movement, one artist at a time. Help create a visual of what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called “The Beloved Community.” Participants are invited to participate either individually or communally by decorating puzzle pieces. Decorated puzzle pieces will be collected by August 29, 2024 and assembled to be featured at MLK Day 2025.

We are planning Be Love events forthcoming in the Fall with an open invitation for community members to engage as a lead up to MLK Day on January 20, 2025.

This summer, please plan to join us at the Mason Square Summer Concert series on Thursdays, July 25 and August 22 from 5 to 7 pm and create your Be Love pieces onsite. The Mason Square Branch Library will host these concerts, rain or shine, at 765 State Street, Springfield.

How can YOU participate?

You have a powerful perspective—share it by creating your own puzzle piece in this art engagement project! As you craft your BeLove puzzle pieces, you might think about:

  • How do you see “Beloved Community” around you?
  • What do you feel would better make “Beloved Community” around you?
  • How do you act in the spirit of courageous love?

Puzzle piece packets will be made available at all Springfield City Library locations, local youth serving organizations including here at MLK Jr. Family Services, and can be made available upon request to

Seize the opportunity to craft in communion with others or to take them home and return them by August 29, 2024. This project stretches across our great region; community members of all ages will be invited to create a puzzle piece with a personal reflection of what it means to “Be Love.”

MLK Jr. Family Services is proud to partner with Springfield City Library and Springfield Cultural Partnership to expand this social justice art engagement project as a part of The King Center of Atlanta’s growing national movement, ‘Be Love’.

Take the Be Love Pledge

I acknowledge three things:

( 1 )
The violence, oppression, inequity, injustice, and hate in our world has to stop.

( 2 )
I have a responsibility and role to play in creating social change
for a more just, humane, equitable, and peaceful world.

( 3 )
The decision is mine whether to do nothing in this moment,
or to have the courage to stand up for justice.

And I have made my decision.

Starting today, I make a personal choice to BE LOVE.

I pledge to allow love to drive my thoughts, words, decisions, and actions,
and honor the humanity of every individual.

I pledge to speak the truth to power in love.
I pledge to focus on defeating injustice and not destroying the person.
I pledge to support leaders who demonstrate a love for humanity.

I pledge to promote unity and refuse to perpetuate or magnify division.

I pledge to demonstrate a life of courage, care, and compassion
as I boldly confront anything that stands in opposition to love.

By signing this pledge, I’m helping to create what
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called
The Beloved Community.